SOUL meditation – restore balance
Meditation helps you to fully connect back to your body, mind and Soul and bring balance into the three levels.
When you are more and more in tune with Who you really are, life starts to make more sense, flows more easily and helps you to be positive and happy. Meditation also helps you to align with a deeper knowledge of what is coming NEXT… So come and join our meditation class and find your own inner answers.
I will take you on a deep soul travel journey, where you will (re)connect to the Energy of where your Soul came from, a sacred energy field of Connection, Love and Purity. Travel back with more Confidence, Power and Inner Peace, and tap into this energy daily.
Everything you need for your life will fall more easily into place.
Join our Sunday Meditation:
Sunday 12.00 – 13.00
Sunday 12.00 – 13.00
Participation: donations are greatly appreciated. (suggestion 5 – 10 euro)
This re-connective journey is really for EVERYONE –
your SOUL has guided you here. What are you waiting for?
Sign-up: send a message to +34 644 15 41 82