We are ready for another great season of Soul traveling here at SOUL Fisterra. Our first year and all the souls that walked through our door have inspired us so much and we now know more and more about how to align our offers with your needs. We are here to guide you, inspire you, help you integrate your Camino but above all help you open your New Path and get you ready for your life after Camino. Life after Camino will never be the same, because you will not be the same as before. Let us help you move forward on your new chosen path.
When you stop walking in Finisterre, there is only one way you can go… and that is deeper (inside yourself). Literally, in Finisterre, there is that END of your Camino, where you can not walk any further. In those first moments you may enjoy taking a rest and restoring from the physical experience, but then there comes that uneasy feeling which is often translated as ‘the need to keep walking’. But when you hold space for yourself (or let us guide you) you might find out that in this ENDING there is a sprouting of a NEW BEGINNING and when you allow yourself to Stop and Listen you will open a new path for your life. It’s a great opportunity to find your Path, Open to new possibilities and Decide where the next part of your Journey is headed. What direction will you choose next? For this Deep Listening to where your Soul is guiding you is essential and we are more than happy to help you find that Clarity and a New Direction.
After you’ve stopped walking you might ask yourself the question WHAT’S NEXT?
How has this Camino experienced changed you, or your perspective on life?
What have you learned from your journey and the interactions with other people?
What have you found out about yourself?
And what has sparked your interest?
You might have found out that the ‘old ways’ are not matching with the new version you are now and have been wondering about going in a new Direction in your life. This might be changing carreer, or changing your living environment, or just the way you interact with other people or a renewed way of interacting with your lovedones. Every Journey is Unique and only you know what the lessons are that this Camino has brought to you.
Once you arrive in Fisterra and take the time to stop, rest and listen you will be able to start to integrate this beautiful, and sometimes intense en tough experience and make into a lifechanging journey. Integration will take a bit more than a few days at the end… it’s another journey – el camino retorno.
While integrating your camino, most pilgrims take time to reflect and write in their journals about the past experiences. That’s a great way never to forget what El Camino meant for you. But I suggest taking it a little further and also reflect on the ROAD AHEAD.
What will you take with you?
What will you leave behind?
How will your life benefit on the long run from this immense and crazy experience of El Camino? What will from this day forward be one of your CORE INTENTIONS to make your life more Enjoyable, more Fulfilling.
LIVE 100% in the moment
The most golden key I have taken from my camino is the Joy of living 100% in the moment. You never know what the next moment will bring, but you can enjoy this NOW MOMENT to the fullest when you are fully present here and now. May rain, come shine… When you have found a way to deal with the changing weather in Galicia, with the ever changing circumstances of El Camino and the ups and downs (both physically as mentally) you know that you are much more resilient than you thought you were. This makes living in the moment and taking life as it is (spiritual practice) a natural skill that you are now mastering.
Let us know in the comments what your number one take away is from your Camino!!
Check out our Activity Calender with yoga, meditations, sound healing or private healing sessions or massages when you want help integrating your experience. We are here for you and willing to start your ‘new beginning’ along side you. Let us lend a helping hand and a loving place to land…