Yin Yoga integration
Yin Yoga – a special moment to connect to yourself.
Light form of yoga that will guide you to connect deeply to yourself, and give your body a nice deep stretch so energy can run more smoothly through your body.
Our body is a sacred container that holds many treasures and also emotions and toxic energy. To give room to the treasures, we must let go of any stuck energy. In this Yin yoga class we will do just that.
Our Feminine Power is to Receive and be Open and Vulnerable.
Yin Yoga is not aimed at reaching a goal, but being present in this moment and relax into Being.
Participation: 10 -15 euro (sliding scale – pay what you can)
Location: SOUL Fisterra, Rua Mar de Fora 32 in Finisterre
Location: SOUL Fisterra, Rua Mar de Fora 32 in Finisterre
Come as you are!
Sign up a day in advance sending a message to +31 637437845 (Nanda)